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The One-Day MTC Community Retreat was held on March 19, 2021 (Friday) at MTC Chapel, MTC Campus.

God has been good to us for he gave us another opportunity to organize another retreat after the College was closed for about a year due to the dreadful CoVid-19 Pandemic.

We were privileged to have Rev. C. Zorammawia, Board Secretary, Synod Mission Board, Mizoram Synod, as the speaker for this year’s retreat.

In addition to the inspiring, encouraging and challenging messages on the topic, "Grace of God” (Romans 12:1, 2) from the speaker. The Retreat was great time for strengthening  the bonds between the community members.  We also spent time for group discussion, quite time and prayer.

It was indeed a blessed time for all of us to grow in faith and to renew our commitment to serve the Lord.

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