Scheme of the B. Miss. Course

First Year

  1. General Introduction to the Bible
  2. Introduction to Mission Studies
  3. Understanding Indian Society
  4. Understanding Christian Faith & Doctrines
  5. Christian Education for Social Change
  6. Intercultural Communication
  7. Introduction to Major Religions
  8. Biblical Foundation of Mission
  9. Survey of Missions through the History
  10. Study Methods
  11. English I
  12. Hindi
  13. Field Education

Second Year

  1. Prophets and Mission
  2. Contemporary Missiological Issues and Challenges
  3. Survey of Christian Missions in India
  4. The Life and Work of a Missionary
  5. Cultures and Contextualization 6) Media and Communication in Mission
  6. Mission in the New Testament
  7. Modern Religious and Secular Movements
  8. Introduction to Christian Ethics in the context of Mission
  9. Evangelism, Church Planting
  10. Coversion and Baptism
  11. English II
  12. Linguistics
  13. Hindi
  14. Field Education

Third Year

  1. Principles and Methods of Mission
  2. Introduction to Christian Ministry (Worship, Preaching and Counselling)
  3. Mission Principles and Practice of Selected Missionaries
  4. Holistic Mission
  5. Church Organization and Administration
  6. Spoken English
  7. Spoken Hindi
  8. Project
  9. Field Education